Chingford Smile & Orthodontic Studio

Enlighten Teeth Whitening in Chingford

We are delighted to offer this safe, effective and non evasive treatment Enlighten teeth whitening in Chingford is revolutionary and is known as one of the most predictable and customer-friendly methods out there. Thanks to the Enlighten, you too can have a white smile you have dreamed of. Using a combination of home and practice-based treatment. Our dentists are happy to go through the teeth whitening journey with you.


Enlighten treatment is three easy steps!

  • Step one: Each Enlighten teeth whitening procedure starts with a consultation to determine your suitability for the procedure. If it's a suitable treatment for you an impression of your teeth is made for your whitening gel tray.
  • Step two: This impression is sent off to a dedicated lab where a set of custom-made and super-sealed trays are made. These whiten your teeth over a 14 day period, using the supplied Enlighten gel.
  • Step three: The final step in the Enlighten procedure is a 1-hour long deep bleaching treatment at our practice.

Benefits of Enlighten Teeth Whitening in Chingford

The main benefit of the Enlighten system is that it delivers predictable results. Enlighten is widely acknowledged as the most effective whitening system in the world. In fact, it's the only procedure on the market to guarantee any patient will whiten to at least B1 (the lightest shade on a dentist shade guide), regardless of their starting shade, age, lifestyle, or dietary habits. Other benefits include:

  • Pain Free
  • Produces natural-looking results
  • Whitens smiles in two weeks
  • Uses a lower concentration of bleaching gel than other procedures
  • Completely safe
  • Finance is available

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it is completely safe. The materials used in Enlighten Whitening have been used in dentistry for over 100 years.

On average, Enlighten teeth whitening produces results that will last up to around 3 years before you need a top up.

It will take 2 weeks after your dentist delivers your Enlighten Whitening trays

Chingford Smile & Orthodontic Studio
How to Find Us
Chingford Smile & Orthodontic Studio

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Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday 09.00 - 17.00
Friday 08.30 - 16.00
Saturday 08.00 - 13.00

66 Station Rd, Chingford, London E4 7BA



Call us today 020 8529 1298 / 020 8524 8433